New Style

Data Oriented Java

Java Software Engineer

Line of Business Public

Merlin Bögershausen / @mboegie


Heavy use of preview features!

Data Oriented Programming?

Monolithic history


Self-Contained Systems


Even smaller


Data Orientation means

  • Data is Data and nothing but the data

  • Strict separation between data and logic

  • like functional programming

How to DOP

Analyze Domain


Model only valid state


Write Domain

sealed interface Rechnung
  permits InterneVerechnung, ExternVersandt {}

record ExternVersandt(Kunde kunde, double wert)
  implements Rechnung {}

record InterneVerechnung(String abteilung, double wert)
  implements Rechnung {}

Write Domain

// omitted interface Kunde and record Businesskunde

record Privatkunde(String name, List<String> mail)
  implements Kunde {
    Privatkunde {
        mail = List.copyOf(mail);

Write Logic - OOP

static double calculateMwSt(Kunde kunde, double wert) {
  if (kunde instanceof Privatkunde)
    return calculateMwSt((Privatkunde) kunde, wert);
  else if (kunde instanceof Businesskunde)
    return calculateMwSt((Businesskunde) kunde, wert);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(/* */);

static double calculateMwSt(Privatkunde p, double wert) {
  return wert * 0.1d;

static double calculateMwSt(Businesskunde b, double wert) {
  return b.isVorsteuerAbzugsberechtigt() ? 0d : wert * 0.1d;

Instanceof Pattern

static double calculateMwSt(Kunde kunde, double wert) {
  if (kunde instanceof Privatkunde) {
    return wert * 0.1d;
  } else if (kunde instanceof Businesskunde b) {
    if (b.isVorsteuerAbzugsberechtigt()) return 0.0d;
    else return wert * 0.1d;
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(/* */);

Switch Expression

static double calculateMwSt(Kunde kunde, double wert) {
  return switch (kunde) {
    case Privatkunde p -> wert * 0.1d;
    case Businesskunde b
      when b.isVorsteuerAbzugsberechtigt() -> 0.0d;
    case Businesskunde b -> wert * 0.1d;


static double calculateMwSt(Kunde kunde, double wert) {
  return switch (kunde) {
    case Privatkunde p -> wert * 0.1d;
    case Businesskunde(String n, var m, var noMwSt)
      when noMwSt -> 0.0d;
    case Businesskunde b -> wert * 0.1d;

Ignore Parts

static double calculateMwSt(Kunde kunde, double wert) {
  return switch (kunde) {
    case Privatkunde _ -> wert * 0.1d;
    case Businesskunde(_, _, var noMwSt) when noMwSt -> 0.0d;
    case Businesskunde _ -> wert * 0.1d;

Format the Text

static String produceInvoiceText(
        Kunde kunde, double wert, double mwst) {
  return FMT. """
    Hallo \{
      switch (kunde) {
        case Privatkunde(String name, _) -> name;
        case Businesskunde(var name, _, _) -> name;
      } },
    Bitte senden Sie uns den Rechnungsbetrag in Höhe von \
    %.2f\{ wert }€ plus %.2f\{ mwst }€ MwSt \
    %2.f\{ wert + mwst }.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Merlin Bögershausen
    """ ;

Real World


void invoiceValue100() {
  var customer = new Privatkunde("test", "");

  var actualMwSt = MwStRechner.calculateMwSt(customer, 100d);


6 Test to rule them all



Integrate in EE

public class InvoiceResource {
  @Inject KundenRepository kundenRepo;
  @Inject MailService mailService;
  public void sendInvoice(long kundeID, double wert) {
    var kunde = kundenRepo.findById(kundeID);
    var mwst = MwStRechner.calculateMwSt(kunde, wert);
    var text = InvoiceFormatter.
        produceInvoiceText(kunde, wert, mwst);
    mailService.sendMail(kunde, text);

Final Thoughts

Make your Opinion

For every te am there are different trade-offs:

  • Readability - learn and use

  • Duplication - not always bad

  • Testability - no brain needed

  • Performance - don’t guess, measure!

Micro steps and huge gain for small disruption.

Try it!


Me // @MBoegi // MBoegers


Infos // DevBlog

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