est. 68% have regular vision, based on calculation of Vision Australia
visual 👁
auditory 🦻
physical 💪
speech 🎤
cognitive & neurological 🧠
est. 68% have regular vision, based on calculation of Vision Australia
Altersbedingte Makula-Degeneration 10-20% of western world, source
Abgrenzung der einzelnen Teile verschwimmen
Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text.
Level: A
<div role="group" aria-labelledby="ssn1">
<span id="ssn1">Social Security Number:</span>
<span style="color: #D90D0D;"> * </span>
<input size="3" type="text" aria-required="true"
title="First 3 digits" /> -
<input size="2" type="text" aria-required="true"
title="Next 2 digits" /> -
<input size="4" type="text" aria-required="true"
title="Last 4 digits" />
ARIA17 Using grouping roles to identify related form controls
The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, except: large text has 3:1, Decoration, invisible parts or parts of pictures and Logos
Level: AA
Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input.
Level: A
<span id="date-label" tabindex="-1">
<label for="date">Extend date (yyyy-mm-dd)</label></span>
<input type="text" size="10" id="date"
value="2023-06-15" aria-labelledby="date-label date">
<input type="submit" style="font-size: 30px" value="👍">
implemented using markup languages, elements have complete start and end tags, are nested according to their specifications, don’t contain duplicate attributes and IDs are unique …
AInspector WCAG evaluates WCAG 2.0 against current page
Has false negatives and requires manual checking (MC)
Similar available for other browsers
<label id="adesso-search-label" for="adesso-search">Suche</label>
<button type="submit" aria-label="Suche starten" class="adesso-round">
<a class="logo page-scroll" href="/de/index.jsp"
title="to adesso Landingpage">
<svg aria-label="Logo adesso" class="adesso-logo" role="img"/>
3.59:1 - 100% 👎 instanceof
4.45:1 - 72% 👎 return
3.57:1 - 100% 👎 String
18.78:1 - 100% 👍 o
4.45:1 - 72% 👎 return
6.16:1 - 7% 👎 return
Article Heading are h1 😕
Section Heading are h4 😖
.h1, h1 { /* h1 -> h2 */ }
.h2, h2 { /* h2 -> h1 */ }
.h3, h3 { /* copy 'n' paste h4 */ }
Present with WCAG Contrast Checker activated
Check your colors with
Little tweaks with Geenes may do the trick
Use AccessLint GitHub App on PRs
Sonar HTML rules with tag accessibility
ESLint Plugin eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
Free Component Library 51 Components
Separate structure from design
React, Angular, Vue.js, Solid, Preact
Designersystem for global styling
WCAG Logo from
Meme from
Toolbox from Racool_studio at Freepik
NVDA logo from BHVD Website
Microsoft Narrator Logo from
Apple VoiceOver Logo from
ESLint logo from
Sonar Qube logo from Sonarsource
KoliBri Logo from
Farbenblindheits Example
Disablilities backgroud from macrovector on freepik